I’ve just finished reading Tracey Maxfield’s book ‘Escaping the rabbit hole’ an essay on her experience of living with, at times, crippling depression. The most severe of these followed a workplace bullying incident that led to her leaving work as a senior nurse (a 35 year vocation). The rawness with
5.0 out of 5 stars – A raw and candid account of battle with depression of a brilliant woman A captivating personal memoir of a brilliant woman who is a nurse and dementia expert. This is very brave of her to write this open and truthful account of her personal journey
Many of us are familiar with the ‘up and down’ mood swings of children and teenagers, the rebellious behaviours, the arguments, the tantrums, and the need to be in control and independent. This is normal childhood and we refer to it as ‘going through a phase.’ However, when these behaviours