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- My life story: childhood abuse, moving to another country, episodes of depression, workplace bullying, falling down the rabbit hole, writing my book documenting my personal journey through depression, how I escaped the rabbit hole, and how you can help oneself and/or support others living with a mental illness.
- Bullying: what is bullying, recent statistics on bullying, who is a bully, bully victims, impact of bullying on the victim and the bully, how to stand up to a bully, stop bullying strategies, how to be an upstander, what you can do to stop bullying and support your children, students, friends
- Mental health awareness: what is normal mental health, how to recognize signs of mental distress, mental disorder, mental illness, strategies to maintain good mental health
- Mental illness: review of brain function, what is mental illness, stigma and misconceptions, ACE’s (adverse childhood events), most common types of mental illness, recent statistics on mental illness/suicide, what is cutting, suicide warning signs, supports and services available, self management care, strategies for moving forward and living a happy, fulfilled life