Listen to “Tracey Maxfield – Escaping the Rabbit Hole” on Spreaker.
Judith Barry 5.0 out of 5 starsEducational, informative, bravely and beautifully written. 15 July 2018 Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase A powerful and beautifully written book. Difficult to read in places because the authors experience of depression is so vividly described., there were points when I had to stop reading and
Dementia Aware: what people with dementia need to know to live well with dementia Dementia is not a life sentence; it is just another detour in your life’s journey, and you can continue to live a full and happy life. As the dementia changes, you will have to compensate
[embedyt][/embedyt] We learnt from blog posts #1 and #2 that a mental disorder or illness is caused by a disturbance in one or more of the six domains of brain function. When we are stressed, anxious, scared or shocked, the signaling domain in the brain is triggered and the