Dementia Aware: what you need to know about the emotional responses to a diagnosis of dementia At the first World Health Organization Ministerial Conference on ‘Global Action Against Dementia’ (2015), Margaret Chan (Director General, WHO), opened with this statement: “I can think of no other disease so deeply dreaded by
Reprinted with kind permission “Sundowning” is an area I feel is a distorted viewpoint and yet another “label” for cognitively aware people to use, when they misunderstand and misrepresent people living with dementia. Personally, my belief is there is no such thing as “sundowning”. That it is yet another term
Truly an amazing book! I concur!!!! I’ve read it myself (as you know) and highly recommend it for ANYONE and EVERYONE! For those who have been there, it puts into words how you may have felt and definitely makes you feel less alone and more understood. For those who have