So honored and humbled that my story is featured. We are pleased to share that your mental health story is now a part of the Deconstructing Stigma website. 😊 You can find your story here:
Reprinted with kind permission “Sundowning” is an area I feel is a distorted viewpoint and yet another “label” for cognitively aware people to use, when they misunderstand and misrepresent people living with dementia. Personally, my belief is there is no such thing as “sundowning”. That it is yet another term
[embedyt][/embedyt] September 8 to September 14, 2019 is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. Tuesday September 10 is recognised as World Suicide Prevention Day Every 40 seconds a person dies by suicide. This means that in the next hour, 90 people will have died by suicide, at the end of today,
Mike Giresi, Director of Clinical Development at Family First Adolescent Services Mike found his passion for helping others through his own journey of healing and recovery. He started his career in the mental health field working with adult clients who suffered from complex trauma and PTSD, as well as chemical