Engage Educate Empower with Daniel Blanchard

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Mental Health
Tracey Maxfield

Blog #1: What Is Mental/Brain Health, And Why Is It So Important?

   What is Mental Health? In the past few years, there has been a lot of dialogue about brain health or mental health. Many people still have difficulty acknowledging that brain/mental health is an essential component of physical health, of life, and consequently, those of us living with a

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Children, Teens & Young Adults Mental Health
Tracey Maxfield

Gaming Disorder in Children and Teenagers

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5a-RIc-5OY0[/embedyt] There is a new form of addiction that is affecting children and teenagers in droves. It is considered more addictive and challenging than alcohol and cigarette smoking. It is called gaming disorder. Whilst this addiction is not yet identified as a mental disorder in the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and

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Dementia and Communication

Dementia Aware: what you need to know about communicating with a person with dementia Communication is an inherent mutual activity and we cannot be truly in relationship with others if we are not communicating with them. When communicating with people with dementia, caregivers need the flexibility to be able to

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