All About Anxiety: Why Is It Preventing You From Sleeping? by Rose MacDowell
For anyone who is suffering from, or knows someone who is suffering from, depression – this book is well worth a read. I know a few people that have depression. Although I have lots of sympathy and compassion for them, I can not fully understand how badly it affects them
RADIO SCRIPT: Tracey, My pleasure to interview you. What a beautifully real message you are sharing with the world. I pray you’ll be blessed by your willingness to open up in this public way! Carleen Escaping the Rabbit Hole is the name of Tracey Maxfield’s book…a compilation of the
Today’s episode: Beyond the Bullying
Monday October 7, 2019 is #Blue Up Day in recognition of World Bullying Prevention [embedyt][/embedyt] Cyberbullying is the use of technology to harass, threaten, embarrass, or target another person. This can be done by trolling, flaming, harassment, cyberstalking, catfishing, fraping, griefing, outing and roasting. Cyber bullying is dangerous and
I Want To Attend Church, But I Care for Someone With Dementia by Peter Rosenberger | Feb 19, 2018 | Caregivers, Isolation, Loss of Independence, Radio Show Interviews | 1 comment When we try to attend Church, it seems something ALWAYS goes wrong!” When caring for someone with dementia, isolation develops as an increasing challenge for family caregivers. Many caregivers feel