[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bp0EFwYPYQ[/embedyt]
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bp0EFwYPYQ[/embedyt]
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7XVXkapKbM[/embedyt] For those living with a mental disorder, the Holiday season can be very difficult and overwhelming. Celebration, socialization, eating, drinking, partying, cheerfulness, exchanging gifts and ‘making merry’ throughout the month of December, has become a tradition and also an expectation. Sadly, the holiday season is also a major
https://www.broadbandsearch.net/blog/cyber-bullying-statistics Reprinted with kind permission of James Miller of BroadBandsearch.net
Over the weekend I had the distinct honour of reading this powerful novel. A brutally honest account of the author’s experience of depression and PTSD, from her descent into despair, the trials and tribulations of treatment, and the eventual acceptance and learning to cope with these illnesses, Escaping the Rabbit
Dementia Aware: what you need to know about delirium in the person with dementia Delirium is a serious illness and can be experienced by anyone, at any age. However, the senior population are more susceptible to delirium and it is estimated that approximately 30-40% of most people with dementia