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Binge Drinking Effects & How to Stop | Addiction Group June 3, 2021: Article reprinted with kind permission of
Dementia Aware: what you need to know about engaging, enabling and empowering people with dementia The word dementia conjures up so many different thoughts: a loss of memory, a loss of independence, a loss of function; but instead of focusing on the debilitating and despairing features of dementia, what
Book Review by Thomas Dahlborg Dahlborg Healthcare Leadership Group (DHLG), Relationship Centred Leader, Child Advocate, Author: The BIG KID and…Basketball Escaping the Rabbit Hole by Tracey Maxfield is brilliant. “This book is a must read for anyone living with depression or caring for someone with depression, and for anyone who wants
Hi Tracey-had all my colleagues read the book-they’ve all loved it and been amazed at your candor, resilience and humour! Most of all the courage to get through every day, not just surviving but contributing..
[embedyt][/embedyt] In blogs #16, #17 and #18, we discussed the different types of bullying behaviour, who is a bully, the circle of bullying and signs a child/teenager is being bullied. Today, we will explain how to deal with a bully, and how to help the child/teenager who is being