So honored and humbled that my story is featured. We are pleased to share that your mental health story is now a part of the Deconstructing Stigma website. 😊 You can find your story here:
So honored and humbled that my story is featured. We are pleased to share that your mental health story is now a part of the Deconstructing Stigma website. 😊 You can find your story here: [advanced_iframe src=”” width=”100%” height=”600″]
Over the weekend I had the distinct honour of reading this powerful novel. A brutally honest account of the author’s experience of depression and PTSD, from her descent into despair, the trials and tribulations of treatment, and the eventual acceptance and learning to cope with these illnesses, Escaping the Rabbit
Tracey-Thank you for having the courage to write your book “Escaping the Rabbit Hole.” I am a 65 year old man from the United States who can relate to many of the thoughts and feelings expressed in your book. Over the course of my lifetime, I have experienced a number
Reprinted with kind permission Elder abuse is one of the vilest indicators of ageist discrimination within our current civilization. Whilst the concealed ignominy of elder abuse has grown in visibility, it remains an area that is poorly examined and rarely resolved. Chemical restraint, one of the manifestations of elder abuse