DivineBreadcrumb podcast with Carol Campos and Deb Sorensen

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Mental Health
Tracey Maxfield

Blog #1: What Is Mental/Brain Health, And Why Is It So Important?

   What is Mental Health? In the past few years, there has been a lot of dialogue about brain health or mental health. Many people still have difficulty acknowledging that brain/mental health is an essential component of physical health, of life, and consequently, those of us living with a

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Tracey Maxfield

The ‘Circle of Bullying’ and Signs a Child/Teenager is Being Bullied

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5lHBVt2MTU[/embedyt] To truly understand the bully experience, it is important to understand that bullying may not be confined solely to the bully and the victim. Other key people may be involved, some in an active role and others in a passive role and researchers refer to this phenomenon as

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