Engage Educate Empower Episode 6 with Kevin Hofmann

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Histrionic Personality Disorder in Children and Teenagers

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjM6q7gi39g[/embedyt] The American Psychiatric Association (APA) defines Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD) as a personality disorder characterized by a pattern of excessive attention seeking emotions, including an excessive need for approval and inappropriate seductive behaviour. Many teenagers experience emotional outbursts, overreact to things, seek attention, dress inappropriately, and engage in

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COVID 19 – Stress and Social Isolation in Children and Teenagers

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ppu_4sDAXuI Blog #40 COVID 19 – Stress and Social Isolation in Children and Teenagers Stress, a simple six letter word that immediately conjures up feelings of being overwhelmed and anxious. But what is stress, and why is it such a bad word? The word stress is actually the short version

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Children, Teens & Young Adults Mental Health
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#11: How To Help A Child/Teenager With A Mental Disorder Transition Back To School

It’s almost time for kids to go back-to-school and whilst many parents may be rejoicing, parents of children/teenagers living with a mental illness will probably be feeling anxious, apprehensive and a little worried. For children/teenagers with a mental illness/disorder, it can be a time of anxiety, depression and fear: Will

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15 best exercises for depression and anxiety by Petrolene Le Roux

Anxiety was barely known as an illness before the 19th century.  Anxiety is caused by worrying about the future.  Depression is a prolonged state of sadness because of past events and experiences. Most people experience anxiety or depression at some point in their lives.  Many physicians prescribe mental and physical exercises to improve a patient’s state of mind.

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