So honored and humbled that my story is featured. We are pleased to share that your mental health story is now a part of the Deconstructing Stigma website. 😊 You can find your story here:
Dementia Aware: What you need to know about dementia’s effect on the five senses As we age, many different changes occur in the body, including changes in the sensory organs that enable us to see, to hear, to touch, to smell and to taste. With some modifications to the
I Want To Attend Church, But I Care for Someone With Dementia by Peter Rosenberger | Feb 19, 2018 | Caregivers, Isolation, Loss of Independence, Radio Show Interviews | 1 comment When we try to attend Church, it seems something ALWAYS goes wrong!” When caring for someone with dementia, isolation develops as an increasing challenge for family caregivers. Many caregivers feel
The following list may assist teachers who work with ADHD students. For an overview of this disorder see, “Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Children.” 1. Understand the struggle a student with ADHD has and provide an ordered, safe, predictable classroom environment. 2. Establish a courteous, working relationship with the student’s parents. Learn