“I love Kelowna” Podcast with Luke Menkes and Tracey Maxfield

Since the release of her book, Escaping the Rabbit Hole: my journey through depression, Tracey Maxfield has become a staunch advocate for Mental Illness and Mental Health Awareness and Bullying and completed the course, Bringing Mental Health to Schools. She has met with teenagers ages 11 to 15 years to talk about bullying and mental illness and has appeared on numerous podcasts, live radio shows and ABC KOMO News 4, KSHV 45, and NBC News 6 television shows. In June, Tracey was featured in a series of articles by HelloCare magazine in Australia.

In September, Tracey embarked on a new life journey: she sold her home, donated most of her possessions to various charities and made a commitment to try and make a difference in the world and is spending six months traveling in the USA, talking about mental illness and bullying in children and teenagers. Her philosophy is to Engage children and teenagers, to Educate them about mental illness and bullying and to Empower them to develop confidence and skills to continue to move ahead in their own life journey.

Kara and I have read the book Escaping the Rabbit Hole: my journey through depression, and it is excellent. I highly recommend you buy and read it, if you or anyone you care about is suffering, or has suffered, from depression. It’s now available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook. Here’s the link:


I Love Kelowna Podcast is now available almost everywhere. See show notes and listen to “044 – Escaping the Rabbit Hole: my journey through depression with Tracey Maxfield”:


Apple Podcast / iTunes : https://tinyurl.com/y8jax3xb
Stitcher : https://tinyurl.com/y7a3d55g
Spotify : https://tinyurl.com/yb8bakyu
Radio Public : https://tinyurl.com/ycrvw65a
Google Play : https://tinyurl.com/ya5gorho
Alexa TuneIn : http://tun.in/pjeYY

Alexa: Just say “Alexa, ask AnyPod to play I Love Kelowna”

If you enjoyed this episode, an iTunes review would be SO appreciated! It’s super easy to do right within the Podcast app.


Learn more about Tracey, her book Escaping the Rabbit Hole: my journey through depression, and her upcoming public appearances on her website: http://traceymaxfield.com/

Tracey nominates Scott Davis and Nick Kellet to come on the I Love Kelowna PodcastKara Rogers and I nominated Tracey.

We now have a pair of great interns helping us with the audio. This episode was engineered by Alex Gardener, an outstanding student at Centre for Arts and Technology here in Kelowna. He is really easy to work with and the quality of his work is excellent. Please email me (Luke) if I can help get you connected with Alex.

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