Mental Health News Radio

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The 3 E’s of Dementia

Dementia Aware: what you need to know about engaging, enabling and empowering people with dementia   The word dementia conjures up so many different thoughts: a loss of memory, a loss of independence, a loss of function; but instead of focusing on the debilitating and despairing features of dementia, what

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Mental Health
Tracey Maxfield

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in Children and Teenagers

[embedyt][/embedyt] Imagine waking up every day and having to wash your hands 50 times before you eat breakfast, or check the door handle 40 times before you leave for school, or redoing a school assignment every time you made an error. Does this make you feel stressed and anxious

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Dementia vs Rementia

Dementia Aware: what you need to know about rementia   Dementia literally means ‘without mind’ and is derived from the Latin word demens. Unfortunately, the word dementia or demented has become synonymous with words such as crazy, insane, unhinged, disturbed, mad. This has resulted in people with dementia being labelled

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Social Media Blog
Tracey Maxfield

Some more facts on bullying

  Apparently it is not recognised in Canada until November, and then they only recognise it for 1 week! * 280,000 students are physically attacked in school every month * 43% of students fear harassment in the bathroom * 77% of students are bullied mentally, verbally and physically * 1

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Mental Health
Tracey Maxfield

#8: Mental illness and substance abuse in children and teenagers

Substance abuse and mental health problems often seem to go together. Which begs the question, which comes first, the chicken (mental illness) or the egg (substance use)? What we have seen, is that some mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder may contribute to substance use and addiction. Similarly,

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Another Great Review on Amazon UK

  Judith Barry 5.0 out of 5 starsEducational, informative, bravely and beautifully written. 15 July 2018 Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase A powerful and beautifully written book. Difficult to read in places because the authors experience of depression is so vividly described., there were points when I had to stop reading and

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