Suzanne started her professional life as a diagnostic radiographer, her area of expertise was trauma, but over time she wanted to have a greater influence in improving patient care and service delivery and so she moved into education. A long career in higher education culminated as an Associate professor in
Tracey Maxfield: Escaping the Rabbit Hole December 22, 2018 On this episode of Anything Goes Project, we had a sit down with author Tracey Maxfield. She has a passion for this subject and there will be a lot of information in this episode. I must warn you first, this topic
“Grief is itself a medicine.” ~William Cowper Grief as defined by Merriam-Webster is: (a) a deep and poignant distress caused by or as if by bereavement (b) a cause of such suffering. But the truth is, it is so much more than this. Grief and bereavement have been studied throughout the years
[embedyt][/embedyt] All human beings, from the moment we are born, until the day we die, need love and a sense of belonging, of attachment, of safety, and the need to be valued and supported. So, imagine what it is like for an infant or young child who does not
Nearly half of hospital patients diagnosed with dementia were physically restrained to prevent them from harming themselves, according to a new study.Hospital patients in Japan who are living with dementia were physically restrained to prevent them from trying to get out of bed, trying to pull out catheters, and to prevent