October 9, 2018 https://www.facebook.com/RainierAvenueRadio.World/videos/242749723070709/?hc_ref=ARRInETCe8kggUy_hl4_jcWUabamn3RsDCMJcFsGukhgEzkTLg3mGg_zxF0YIm4M0IE Teen Taylor-Corinne interviews Tracey Maxfield (author and health care professional) on the topic of preventing teen suicide. Watch on our Facebook page; Listen on our website or on the TuneIn app. ABOUT: Taylor-Corinne is a Seattle high school junior who co-founded a non-profit organization called “The
You can heal from depression and thrive! Tune into this episode of Power Your Life Radio to hear Tracey’s store on how she escaped the Rabbit Hole Tracey Maxfield is a nurse with 35+ years of experience in healthcare. She’s certified in gerontology and dementia care and is a passionate