Reprinted with kind permission of James Miller of
Reprinted with kind permission of James Miller of
We are facing unprecedented times – never before have we, in our life times, had to retreat back into our homes (bubbles) for safety on a global basis. We are learning new ways to connect, new ways to live and we are, many of us, focused on survival.It is not
Dementia Aware: what people with dementia need to know to live well with dementia Dementia is not a life sentence; it is just another detour in your life’s journey, and you can continue to live a full and happy life. As the dementia changes, you will have to compensate
In Blog #1 and #2 of this series, I talked about mental health, how the brain works, and the effect our current environment and how ACEs (adverse childhood experiences) affects brain growth and development and increases the likelihood of developing a mental illness. We know that 50 percent of