The One Tough Muther Show with Karen Finocchio

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Mental Health
Tracey Maxfield

Attachment Disorders in Children and Teenagers

[embedyt][/embedyt] All human beings, from the moment we are born, until the day we die, need love and a sense of belonging, of attachment, of safety, and the need to be valued and supported. So, imagine what it is like for an infant or young child who does not

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Mental Health
Tracey Maxfield

Histrionic Personality Disorder in Children and Teenagers

[embedyt][/embedyt] The American Psychiatric Association (APA) defines Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD) as a personality disorder characterized by a pattern of excessive attention seeking emotions, including an excessive need for approval and inappropriate seductive behaviour. Many teenagers experience emotional outbursts, overreact to things, seek attention, dress inappropriately, and engage in

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Mental Health
Tracey Maxfield

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Children and Teenagers

[embedyt][/embedyt] When we hear the word PTSD, images of soldiers and veterans spring to mind. For decades, people associated post traumatic stress disorder with terrifying events that occurred during a war, in fact, until the 1980’s this stress disorder was known as ‘shell shock’ or ‘battle fatigue.’ The reality

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Dementia and Delirium

Dementia Aware: what you need to know about delirium in the person with dementia   Delirium is a serious illness and can be experienced by anyone, at any age. However, the senior population are more susceptible to delirium and it is estimated that approximately 30-40% of most people with dementia

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