Over the weekend I had the distinct honour of reading this powerful novel. A brutally honest account of the author’s experience of depression and PTSD, from her descent into despair, the trials and tribulations of treatment, and the eventual acceptance and learning to cope with these illnesses, Escaping the Rabbit Hole chronicles the psychological, emotional, and physical symptoms of these illnesses and their toll on the sufferer. This book is a “must read” for anyone wishing to gain insight and empathy for the patient, loved one, friend or family member suffering from depression or PTSD. “This thing called depression is horrible. It is menacing. It is scary. It is like a parasite just eating away at your selfhood, eroding your confidence, stripping away your self-worth, annihilating your hopes and dreams. It tears at your soul, crushes your heart, and saturates your brain with darkness, extinguishing the light of your inner being”.
Book Review by Victoria Brewster, MSW Montreal, Quebec
OCTOBER 2, 2018 MSWWRITES Escaping the Rabbit Hole Book Review Escaping the Rabbit Hole by Tracey Maxfield I was not sure what to expect when this book arrived; the title makes one wonder. As soon as I opened the cover (the actual softcopy version) I was drawn in. Tracey took her