[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-RkX-_6-Dc[/embedyt] There has been a lot of talk lately about the wonderful effects of CBD (cannabidiol) in the treatment of pain management, migraines, and mental illness in children, teenagers and adults. Social media sites, especially Facebook and Instagram are full of posts from parents touting the miraculous effectiveness of
Suzanne started her professional life as a diagnostic radiographer, her area of expertise was trauma, but over time she wanted to have a greater influence in improving patient care and service delivery and so she moved into education. A long career in higher education culminated as an Associate professor in
Thank you, Tracey! Just wanted to say again how much I appreciate what your doing about spreading awareness about mental health in our schools. Using your experience to help others is truly an inspiration. We need more Tracey’s in our world! I want to thank you again for an incredible interview.
Dementia Aware: what you need to know about the management of behaviours in the person with dementia Behaviour is a complex phenomenon affected by interaction of cognitive impairment, physical health, mental health, past habits, personality and environmental factors. The regression of dementia is more than just the loss of