Substance abuse and mental health problems often seem to go together. Which begs the question, which comes first, the chicken (mental illness) or the egg (substance use)? What we have seen, is that some mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder may contribute to substance use and addiction. Similarly,
Reprinted with kind permission Elder abuse is one of the vilest indicators of ageist discrimination within our current civilization. Whilst the concealed ignominy of elder abuse has grown in visibility, it remains an area that is poorly examined and rarely resolved. Chemical restraint, one of the manifestations of elder abuse
Dementia Aware: what you need to know about delirium in the person with dementia Delirium is a serious illness and can be experienced by anyone, at any age. However, the senior population are more susceptible to delirium and it is estimated that approximately 30-40% of most people with dementia
What to do when a loved one has dementia
THE POSITIVE IMPACT OF HYPNOTHERAPY FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH DEMENTIA Don’t we all enjoy the opportunity to slip off our shoes and simply kick back for some ‘me’ time? We know how much better we feel after we have had that time to simply relax – to withdraw into our