Binge Drinking Effects & How to Stop | Addiction Group
June 3, 2021: Article reprinted with kind permission of
Binge Drinking Effects & How to Stop | Addiction Group
June 3, 2021: Article reprinted with kind permission of
Reprinted with kind permission “Sundowning” is an area I feel is a distorted viewpoint and yet another “label” for cognitively aware people to use, when they misunderstand and misrepresent people living with dementia. Personally, my belief is there is no such thing as “sundowning”. That it is yet another term
RADIO SCRIPT: Tracey, My pleasure to interview you. What a beautifully real message you are sharing with the world. I pray you’ll be blessed by your willingness to open up in this public way! Carleen Escaping the Rabbit Hole is the name of Tracey Maxfield’s book…a compilation of the Reprinted with kind permission of James Miller of
Let’s talk about bullying!