Binge Drinking Effects & How to Stop | Addiction Group
June 3, 2021: Article reprinted with kind permission of
Binge Drinking Effects & How to Stop | Addiction Group
June 3, 2021: Article reprinted with kind permission of
Nearly half of hospital patients diagnosed with dementia were physically restrained to prevent them from harming themselves, according to a new study.Hospital patients in Japan who are living with dementia were physically restrained to prevent them from trying to get out of bed, trying to pull out catheters, and to prevent
Hi Tracey-had all my colleagues read the book-they’ve all loved it and been amazed at your candor, resilience and humour! Most of all the courage to get through every day, not just surviving but contributing..
Tracey-Thank you for having the courage to write your book “Escaping the Rabbit Hole.” I am a 65 year old man from the United States who can relate to many of the thoughts and feelings expressed in your book. Over the course of my lifetime, I have experienced a number