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Bullying in children and teenagers who identify as LGBTQ and those with disabilities and special health needs.

[embedyt] Ac8sIL8mJf8[/embedyt] For children and teenagers to thrive in schools and communities, they need to feel socially, emotionally, and physically safe and supported. A positive sense of self, a secure identity, and relationships with others, is the ultimate goal of adolescence. A school climate which fosters personal growth and

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Mental Health
Tracey Maxfield

#8: Mental illness and substance abuse in children and teenagers

Substance abuse and mental health problems often seem to go together. Which begs the question, which comes first, the chicken (mental illness) or the egg (substance use)? What we have seen, is that some mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder may contribute to substance use and addiction. Similarly,

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Mental Health
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Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) in Children and Teenagers

[embedyt][/embedyt] Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) or winter depression as it is also known, is a form of depression that follows a season pattern and appears and disappears at the same time each year. SAD appears when winter approaches and daylight hours become shorter and when spring returns and days

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15 best exercises for depression and anxiety by Petrolene Le Roux

Anxiety was barely known as an illness before the 19th century.  Anxiety is caused by worrying about the future.  Depression is a prolonged state of sadness because of past events and experiences. Most people experience anxiety or depression at some point in their lives.  Many physicians prescribe mental and physical exercises to improve a patient’s state of mind.

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