This week Mike speaks with Tracey Maxfield about the bullying epidemic, mental health and her book, Escaping The Rabbit Hole. For more detail, Mike & Tracey’s chat begins with Tracey’s recounting her journey through nursing and what led her to her nervous breakdown, this leads onto Tracey’s book Escaping The Rabbit Hole
Binge Drinking Effects & How to Stop | Addiction Group June 3, 2021: Article reprinted with kind permission of
We are facing unprecedented times – never before have we, in our life times, had to retreat back into our homes (bubbles) for safety on a global basis. We are learning new ways to connect, new ways to live and we are, many of us, focused on survival.It is not
I have been reading this awe inspiring book written by Tracey Maxfield RN BSN CDP. It gives a real insight of the day to day struggles of her own clinical depression. I make no apologies for language here – she has gone through a living Hell, and all because of