Power Your Life Radio Live with Dr. Jo Anne White and Tracey Maxfield

You can heal from depression and thrive! Tune into this episode of Power Your Life Radio to hear Tracey’s store on how she escaped the Rabbit Hole

Tracey Maxfield is a nurse with 35+ years of experience in healthcare. She’s certified in gerontology and dementia care and is a passionate dementia advocate and educator. Tracey has written articles about dementia in the column Dementia Aware: What You Need to Know and the TheScrutinizer.org. She’s also a regular guest on the radio show Caregivers with Hope. Tracey is involved in local and provincial projects to improve the health, wellbeing and the quality of life of the aged and dementia populations in British Columbia and sits on the Board of Directors for Seniors Outreach.


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Tracey Maxfield

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