[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyJye3RhDM4[/embedyt] Many of us have seen the television shows depicting homes filled from floor to ceiling with newspapers, garbage, and ‘things’. The images of rotten food, dead vermin, and insect infestations fill many of us with shock, horror, confusion, and sadness. How did this happen? Why won’t the person
Reprinted with kind permission Elder abuse is one of the vilest indicators of ageist discrimination within our current civilization. Whilst the concealed ignominy of elder abuse has grown in visibility, it remains an area that is poorly examined and rarely resolved. Chemical restraint, one of the manifestations of elder abuse
https://www.broadbandsearch.net/blog/cyber-bullying-statistics Reprinted with kind permission of James Miller of BroadBandsearch.net
You can heal from depression and thrive! Tune into this episode of Power Your Life Radio to hear Tracey’s store on how she escaped the Rabbit Hole Tracey Maxfield is a nurse with 35+ years of experience in healthcare. She’s certified in gerontology and dementia care and is a passionate