7 videos in 7 days discussing mental illness in children and teenagers
So honored and humbled that my story is featured. We are pleased to share that your mental health story is now a part of the Deconstructing Stigma website. 😊 You can find your story here: https://deconstructingstigma.org/stories?mgi_35=2433/tracey
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Gm-l_9yEIU[/embedyt] In blogs #16, #17 and #18, we discussed the different types of bullying behaviour, who is a bully, the circle of bullying and signs a child/teenager is being bullied. Today, we will explain how to deal with a bully, and how to help the child/teenager who is being
Binge Drinking Effects & How to Stop | Addiction Group June 3, 2021: Article reprinted with kind permission of AddictionGroup.org
Bullying and Suicide in Children and Teenagers Listen to “Courage 2 Overcome (131) Suicides & Bullying” on Spreaker.