Dementia Aware: what you need to know about rementia Dementia literally means ‘without mind’ and is derived from the Latin word demens. Unfortunately, the word dementia or demented has become synonymous with words such as crazy, insane, unhinged, disturbed, mad. This has resulted in people with dementia being labelled
When people think about substance abuse and addiction, they often imagine young adults living with this. While it’s true teenagers are at a higher risk for substance abuse as a group, research done on the elderly population is, to say the least, lacking. Despite the low amount of research, it’s widely believed
Dementia Aware: what you need to know about caring for someone in the final stage of dementia Research indicates, that following diagnosis, the average life expectancy of a person living with dementia is approximately five to ten years depending on the type and severity of the dementia. Over time,