“The Anything Goes Project” with Mike Symonds and Tracey Maxfield

Tracey Maxfield: Escaping the Rabbit Hole
December 22, 2018
On this episode of Anything Goes Project, we had a sit down with author Tracey Maxfield. She has a passion for this subject and there will be a lot of information in this episode. I must warn you first, this topic is about depression, anxiety, bully and suicide. Please proceed with caution.

Escaping the Rabbit Hole: my journey through depression is a brutally honest, raw, and vivid description of what life is like after experiencing an acute depressive episode.

This book is a must read for anyone living with depression or caring for someone with depression, and for anyone who wants to know more about this greatly misunderstood mental health illness. Tracey shows us that words can be powerful and healing, and with time, it is possible to emerge from the rabbit hole of darkness and despair and reclaim your life. This is a story of courage, of hope, and of never giving up.

National Suicide prevention hotline: 1-800-273-8255

National Hope Helpline at 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)

www.thetrevorproject.org for LGBT youth in crisis

Canada Suicide Prevention Service (CSPS) 1-833-456-4566

http://www.suicide.org for numbers in your state.

The music for the show is by XTaKeRuX and from his Empty Grave album and licensed under an Attribution License.

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