We are facing unprecedented times – never before have we, in our life times, had to retreat back into our homes (bubbles) for safety on a global basis. We are learning new ways to connect, new ways to live and we are, many of us, focused on survival.It is not
For anyone who is suffering from, or knows someone who is suffering from, depression – this book is well worth a read. I know a few people that have depression. Although I have lots of sympathy and compassion for them, I can not fully understand how badly it affects them
Let’s talk about bullying!
Book review: Escaping the Rabbit Hole tells of B.C. woman’s battle with depression Okanagan Valley nurse Tracey Maxfield tells her tale of recovery from acute depression with this book, based on journals and a blog she created during the worst of her illness. TOM SANDBORN Updated: June 6, 2018 Review